Chester and Judy

JudyLos Angeles


West Berlin 1954

Dad, Judy, Susan, Mom, Harold


 Harold, Mother, Dad,  Susan, Judy



Type your paragraph here.

Doheny Library, USC-2009

USC Apartment-1955


Place de la Sorbonne

Hotel Select, Paris

Granddad Fought

Cinema Department USC-1955


Ian, Margo, Judy, Don

Europe 1954

Mae Johnson

Margo and Judy Hitchhiking in Oslo

West Virginia

Meadowbrook School 1947

USC Apartment House-2009

Apartment on Adams Blvd. Los Angeles


Sylvia Newton and her Parents


Mrs. Holt (center) gave a luncheon

for Mrs. Harold Bradford (right) at the Lafayette Club, 1959

Calvin Johnson

Judy McConnell


Neet and Judy

Minnesota Blizzard 1940

Judy at 57 Groveland Terrace